Sprains and strains

A sprain occurs when the ligament is damaged between the bones. I think everyone has sprained an ankle or wrist before. As we all know this can be quite painful. Sometimes when we take a spill the ankle has been twisted in the process. Or maybe as we were falling we forgot our breakfall methods and threw the hands out and sprained a wrist.

A strain occurs when a tendon is injured. Tendons connect the muscles to the bones. Although not as common as a sprain during falls a strain can occur. Maybe we reached out to hold onto something as we fall and the strain of trying to hold ourselves up causes a slight tear or trauma to the tendon.

To treat sprains and strains doctors recommend the R.I.C.E. method of treatment

  • Rest – avoid activities that could aggravate the injury
  • Ice – Ice the area immediately to reduce swelling and inflamation, no more than 1o minutes and in the early stages of injury
  • Compression – wrapping with an ace bandage or something similar helps to control the swelling
  • Elevation- Elevate the injured part (This definitely helps with the pain)

After the initial phase of the injury you will want to switch from ice to heat and if possible some massage. This will bring blood and nutrients into the affected area for facilitating the healing process. This may not be as soothing as the icing period but it essential to keep the body in a flow state. Although ice is good in the acute phase over icing the area will cause stagnation in affected areas and the swelling may not completely disappear.

If you’re unsure or the injury seems severe don’t wait go see your doctor. You also may want to see your doctor if the injury lingers or doesn’t seem to be getting better. There may be some tearing or damage that needs immobilization in order to heal. They can determine that with an examination and possibly X-ray or MRI.




Chris BurnettSprains and strains